Monday, March 17, 2025


 Trump’s blitzkrieg power-grab begs a question: what, if anything, can congressional Democrats in the minority do? Are they powerless? Republicans in the Senate love to act like their majority gives them unchecked power—but it doesn’t. The rules of the Senate are designed to protect the rights of the minority, and Democrats have tools at their disposal to grind Senate business to a halt if Republicans try to ram through Trump’s extremist agenda. The three biggest weapons? Blanket opposition, quorum calls, and blocking unanimous consent—parliamentary guerrilla tactics that can slow, stall, and obstruct at every turn. Here’s how they work and why Democrats need to use them aggressively.


Thursday, October 25, 2018

Welcome to Las Cruces, NM

You may remember the Road Runner cartoon.

And Sesame Street's Big Bird.

Well, here's another famous bird that you won't see on Saturday morning TV.

On Interstate 10 east bound In a rest area on the south side of I-10, just west of Las Cruces and just east of the Picacho Ave. exit, between mileposts 134 and 135. Only accessible from the eastbound lanes.

A giant, bigger than life, Road Runner sculpture made from recycled trash

watches over Las Cruces, NM.

Many people have stopped at the rest stop and were amazed at what the sculpture is made of.  However many more people are not able to travel to the site to see for themselves.  So with the use of modern technology (not really, just a Canon T5 Rebel camera and a 300mm telephoto lens), I've taken a few close ups for those that can't make the trip to get a little closer view.

Starting at the head.
If you look close you can see many tennis shoes that have met their match.

In the body you can see computer parts that have computed where to go when they can no longer compute.
Also you can see crutches that have helped their former owners back to health so are no longer needed.
They are now helping to hold this statue together.

Bicycle handle bars with the hand brakes still attached.
An old belt that couldn't hold up those over sized jeans anymore.

And all the way down to the tail, a spatula that could't flip one more pancake.
BX electrical cable and even Aladdin's Lamp.

It's good that these objects have been given a new lease on life and have a purpose of enhancing our travel with beauty and awe and not being buried in a land field.  They also make us think about how disposable our society has become not only with objects but also with people.

If you get the opportunity, stop by and see what other objects you can see in the sculpture.
If you can't stop by, just look closely at these pictures and see what else you can find.

For more information on the sculpture look here.

And as always stay safe and...

Happy travels,


Sunday, May 13, 2018


Wanna make friends around the world?


What is Postcrossing?

The goal of this project is to allow anyone to send and receive postcards from all over the world!
The idea is simple: for each postcard you send, you will receive one back from a random postcrosser from somewhere in the world.


Simply because, like its founder, there are lots of people who like to receive real mail.
Receiving postcards from different places in the world (many of which you probably have never heard of!) can turn your mailbox into a box of surprises — and who wouldn't like that?

Is Postcrossing safe?
Your personal data, including your address, is important to you (and to Postcrossing), so  Postcrossing was designed to be safe and work hard to protect you and your data.

So, you can leave the country

without leaving your computer!

And as always stay safe and...

Happy travels,


Tuesday, August 22, 2017

The Greatest Show "NOT" On Earth

2017 Total Solar Eclipse at Tough Creek Campground Shoshoni, WY

Did you go?

Did you see it?

I went to view it at Tough Creek Campground Shoshoni, WY which is a part of Boysen State Park. It was an event to be experienced.  Below are a few pre-eclipse events.

 What do you do while awaiting the BIG event?

Have lunch.

Meet new friends.
Even the birds are here to view the total eclipse.
OH, NO!  They're not wearing eclipse glasses!

Go to the bathroom before all the lights go out.
Set up camp.
My viewing setup.
Setup off to the side.

Or in the middle of the crowd.

And the show begins.

Eclipse progression.

We're getting closer.

Wait for it!

View the short video below.

If you missed this total eclipse and are not sure what all the hub-bub was about, you can start planning now for the next total that will embrace the US in 2024. 

April 8, 2024 Total Solar Eclipse

If you want to know how close it will pass to your location click the link below.

And as always stay safe and...

Happy travels,


Sunday, August 20, 2017

Pre Solar Eclipse

I've heard so much talk about the solar eclipse that I decided to jump on the back of the band wagon.  It almost got right by me.  I hadn't paid any attention to it until I got here in Cody, WY.  

Well, I'm not to be out done.  I got my gear in time and will be there with all the other Sun Worshipers.  I made some test shots of a sunset here in Cody, WY in preparation of the great event.

Stay tuned for any actual photos and/or videos I'm able to capture of the actual event.

And as always stay safe and...

Happy travels,


Monday, June 26, 2017

About the Bus

I have been working on my second bus conversion since 2012.  I have been living and traveling in it since 2014.  People always compliment on the outside and seem to wonder what's on the inside. In today's world it's understandable why people don't ask to see the inside.  Even though I'm still tweaking it, I'd welcome anyone who wanted to see the inside.

The bus in 2012 when I got it

The bus in 2014 when I moved into it.

But for those who don't happen to be where I am when I am, to see more of the work that actually went into building it,  I'm working on a website to detail the process. The website is See Inside The The website is still under construction but some of the details are viewable now.  To get a preview of what will be there you can see some at

I hope you enjoy the mini tour.

And as always stay safe and...

Happy travels,


Monday, June 5, 2017

A Day at Yellowstone National Park

I took a brief trip to Yellowstone National Park and had a great tour guide, Mickey, who showed me the places to go and the things to see.  And how to spot animals. We saw the following animals all in one trip.  It's a huge park and there's no way to see the entire park in one day so there will be more to follow.

Video below.

Video below.

And as always stay safe and...

Happy travels,
